The Way of the Everlasting Journey on the Path to the Location of the Inner-Sanctum of Higher Understanding.
Guild News

Inventory Record-Keeping
Have you ever wondered if you had a particular item in your possession? Have you known you had something, but were at a loss of where you’ve stashed it? Are random items of long-forgotten significance taking up space in your bank, guild bank, or real estate?

Please Congratulate These Members
As we welcome a new year of adventuring, I want to recognize and promote some members who have distinguished themselves this past year by granting them new ranks! Please congratulate these exemplary members of our fine guild. Amphar, Prophet of Gukta - Senior...

New Eyes Of Jabober
An update, honored Guildmates! You may pass along these new "Eyes" to all followers of Jabober. Use this Craft as you see fit. For more information, see my previous message - Perception of Jabober. All my best, Master Okosar the Raconteur Jabober UI

Perception of Jabober
Greetings Guildmates! It has occurred to me that some of you would benefit from the Craft of Perception as it was revealed to me, to be passed along to all followers of Jabober. The following attachement is a tome on how to do just that, minus the voices...

The New Tanaan Mercenary Academy is the finest school of it's type. As such, it operates under some very strict rules. Rokkath has been my trusty companion for a long time now, but it's time for his apprenticeship to end. After saying my farewells to him, I was...

At first, when my good friend Halmar hired the mercenary healer Kataura to accompany us on our adventures, I kind of shook my head. It was a convenience, more than anything, I told myself. After all, my trusty Rokkath had fallen just a couple of times before my...
Divi. The Official WordPress Theme for the Cult of Jabober EverQuest Guild, 2023.
I want to mention a few things about the engine that helps us style and experiment with our guild website. Divi is a special theme that works with Wordpress to let the layperson or hobbiest make some astonishing visuals and effects in their webpages. Divi is like a...
Leap Into Discovery
It is by logic that we prove, but by intuition that we discover.
Start Where You Are
If all you can defeat are fire beetles and bats, start hunting fire beetles and bats.
Opportunities multiply as they are seized. Jabober sees all opportunity.
Subdue Without Fighting
To be victorious in a hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the way of Jabober.
Life is a series of natural changes. Let them flow past you in whatever way they like. Let reality be reality.
Director of Fates
Be as Jabober - extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness; extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Then you can be the director of your opponent's fate.
Those who collect have little. Those who cast away enjoy the countenance of Jabober.
Jabober is the beginning of all understanding.
Live For Others
Jabober endures and Norrath lasts a long time because they do not live for themselves. Therefore, you who would live a long time should live for others.
Walking The Path
There is a difference between knowing the path of Jabober and walking the path of Jabober.
The Eternal Void
Jabober is like the eternal void: filled with infinite possibilities.
If you do not change your direction, you may end up where you are heading.